Thursday, March 4, 2021




現在,CPA目標可在“推送通知”和Onclick / Popunder上使用!



CPA Goal是基於機器學習和大數據的新一代自動優化工具。該算法能夠預測哪些流量細分最有可能以所需的價格推動質量轉化。








重要的! CPA目標可能不是推廣轉換價格極高的出價(例如,將存款作為目標)的最佳選擇。如果您仍然想將CPA目標用於高轉化價格出價,建議您添加中間目標。














1.選擇“推入式”或“ OnClick /彈出式”廣告格式






CPA GOAL for Push & Onclick | Fully Automated Optimization for Fine-Tuned Campaigns

CPA Goal is now available on Push Notifications & Onclick/Popunder!

Growing weary of optimizing manually? We have developed a new bidding model to allow high-performing campaigns to get bigger or all chunks of available traffic and better prices. Meet the CPA Goal – an auto-optimization tool that helps driving conversions at the target price you set.

What is a CPA Goal?

CPA Goal is a new generation of auto-optimization tools, based on machine learning and big data. The algorithm is able to predict what traffic segments are most likely to drive quality conversions at the desired price.

Because of the way more than 20 variables are processed, the optimization process is now capable of run-time adaptation: the algorithm checks every matching ad zone for high-converting traffic and prioritizes those with the best performance.

The CPA Goal technology is built atop of CPM bidding (CPC for Push), and advertisers are billed for impressions (Click for Push), while the system is finding converting traffic according to the desired CPA and targeting.

Propellerads - cpa goal - push campaigns

How does it work?

There are three parameters you should keep in mind when launching the CPA Goal campaign: the number of impressions (popunder) or clicks (push), the number of conversions, and your target price – CPA Goal. The CPM price (remember? Your campaign will be billed by impressions in case with Popunder, and by clicks, if you launch a Push campaign) will be calculated dynamically according to these parameters.

The major principle is:

The better your campaign converts (think: high CR), the more traffic your campaign is going to get.

Important! CPA Goal might not be the best option for promoting offers with extremely high conversion price (e.g., deposits as a goal). If you still want to use CPA Goal for high conversion price offers, we would suggest adding intermediate objectives.

Traffic allocation

When you set up the CPA Goal campaign, the system starts to automatically optimize traffic sources, according to these rules:

The price for traffic should match the target CPA

The traffic should match the targeting

The traffic segment (a group of parameters, including GEO, OS, etc.) should convert well

How are campaigns optimized?

Once the algorithm defined the traffic segments, it immediately starts to optimize campaigns according to the Conversion rate.

High conversion rate – your campaigns get most of the available traffic, according to your CPA Goal.

Low conversion rate – your campaigns get less traffic. The system will freeze the traffic slices where there are no conversions.

Note that optimization doesn’t start immediately. Once launched, your campaign will go through the testing period, which is required for the algorithm to collect and analyze data. During this period, the actual, real price and the target CPA may vary greatly. After the data is processed, the system will select the most effective real-time CPM bid (or CPC bid for Push).

Even after the campaign is launched, the CPA Goal (target price per conversion) can be manually changed. 

How to launch a CPA Goal campaign?

 Launching the CPA Goal campaign is extremely easy; follow these steps:

1. Select the Push or OnClick/Popunder ad format

2. Choose CPA Goal as your pricing model

3. Set up your targeting

4. Set the target price per conversion (CPA Goal)

5. (Important) Prepare your S2S tracking

Thursday, November 10, 2016

CWD Ad Server Template 006

Adcash 728x90 Top, 468x60 Bottom
AdFly Popup
Clicksor Layer Banners
BloggerAds - CitySky Wallpapers Download: Gigi Leung
AdFly links

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Monday, December 17, 2012

詩雅微博 [詩雅相簿2]




Michelle Shi Album 2

Monday, April 12, 2010



Michelle Shi Photo album


早前兩位年輕偶像關智斌(KENNY)、詩雅(MICHELLE)首度攜手接拍元綠壽司平面廣告。詩雅事前非常興奮及期待,因為加入公司以來一直未有機會與她心目中的白馬王子KENNY合作,詩雅更趁機向KENNY「表白」,大爆出中學時期知道KENNY會到訪自己中學,於是千方百計得到和他台上合唱的大秘密!可惜KENNY全無印象,但就笑口安慰MICHELLE肯定現在大個女靚女得多,二人笑到翻天。 廣告取境自迴轉壽司店中,KENNY、MICHELLE飾演的一對為食情侶,叫到滿檯壽司和三文魚刺身,大鬥誰人的壽司碟疊得高!當兩人看到色澤鮮美的三文魚時,均異常合拍地做到邊吃邊耍花槍的溫馨情節,一時伸手搶壽司,轉眼又互餵對方,連攝影師也讚二人超級上鏡和專業,簡直是一拍即合!問到他們對這次拍攝的感想時,KENNY、MICHELLE不約而同說現在市道不景氣,所以有時都會選擇優惠多的食店,做個精明食客。而且是次元綠推出的三文魚刺身優惠平過「斬料」,又沒有燒臘那麼肥膩,兩人可放心大吃大喝。 全新一輯元綠壽司廣告清新登場,敬請密切留意!


Fresh couples cooperate with Guan Zhibin and Shiya to shoot Yuan Green advertisements to feed each other sushi and explode secrets

詩雅接拍Reebok Classics廣告盡顯青春活力

出道一年即獲國際品牌Reebok青睞 詩雅接拍Reebok Classics廣告盡顯青春活力 英皇人氣少女偶像詩雅(MICHELLE)出道以來工作不斷,經常參與電影、廣告工作及大小活動。早前詩雅更有幸獲得國際品牌Reebok賞識,看中其陽光活力、清純甜美的形象,邀她擔任Reebok 09春夏女子經典系列大中華區代言人!在其全新一輯平面照片拍攝中,詩雅穿上Reebok最新春季女裝運動服飾,在專業攝製團隊的協助下,完美演繹了“Your Move,由你做主”的無限魅力。 詩雅直言十分受寵若驚,因為能夠與大師姐容祖兒一同出任品牌代言人實在榮幸非常,所以她事前做好準備,早睡早起和保持跑步,務必以最佳狀態迎接是次動感十足的拍攝。於首輪推出的廣告中,MICHELLE分別以型格電單車手、躍動、和保齡少女造型示人。其中躍動的鏡頭MICHELLE在沒有特別保護的情況下不停原地「獨腳撐」,跳了數十次終捕捉最出色的一剎,雖然跳到「索晒氣」,但MICHELLE看到效果感到超級驚喜,笑謂看來很有舞蹈高手的感覺!另外她又愛上自己騎電單車的模樣,住得偏遠的她一直有意考牌,看過照片後詩雅笑說信心倍增了! 詩雅首次代言Reebok經典系列 完美演繹Freestyle時尚個性 詩雅青春靚麗、活撥開朗的表現完美演繹了Reebok女子經典系列的精髓---個性,、時尚、活力、陽光。對於首次擔任Reebok經典系列代言,詩雅補充說道:「從小就喜歡穿着Reebok的運動鞋 ,特别是擁有26年歷史的Reebok Freestyle,因此能夠成為全新一輯廣告主角,實在既興奮又難忘。」作為新人,詩雅表示希望通過自己不斷的努力,在未来帶给大家更多的好的作品,用實際行動來證明“Your Move,由你作主”的真正涵義。


Shiya takes the Reebok Classics ad to show its youthful vitality